Scholorship Information

Ever since the Reddy Jana Sangha was registered in the year 1920, its activity was essentially confined to providing scholarships to deserving students.

The scholarship amount provided to a student was Rs 10 a month or Rs 100 a year in the beginning i.e in nineteen hundred twenties.Gradually and slowly,keeping pace with the cost of education/cost of living and also keeping in view the availability of funds the Reddy Jana Sangham has increased the scholarship amount ranging between Rs 3000 to Rs 8000 per year depending upon the course of study of the student.

Eligibility: Students with merit & with agricultural background,pursuing professional courses graduate,post graduate courses are eligible to apply for scholarships.

Requirements: Students seeking/applying for scholarship should submit the following along with application.

1.Application for scholarship in the prescribed form to be submitted during the month of October.
2.Income cetificate of parents from competent authority from Mandal Revenue Officer in case agriculture;from employers in case of employee.
3.Particulars of institutions where the ward studied until graduation and memoranda of marks of 10th,12th and latest exam passed.
4.Bonafide certificate from the institution/college where he is studying at the time of application.
5.(a) Applications for scholarship can be obtained from the Reddy Jana Sangham office at Hyderabad.
(b)Applications can also be obtained by request through letter.
(c)Applications can also be downloaded from the website.

Period of Scholarship
Scholarship once sanctioned will continue till he completes the course.However the student has to make application for renewal every year with memorandum of marks of the exam passed.

Quantum of Scholarship
The scholarships are of three categories.
1.Rs 8000 per year for Medical course.
2.Rs 6000 per year for Engineering course.
3.Rs 4000 per year for other Degree & P.G course.

Criteria Of Selection
The criteria for selecting a student for sanctioning scholarship is on the basis of Merit and means.Farmers children who studied up to 10th,12th at rural manual level schools,with merit get preference.Applications received are scrutinized by a sub-committee constituted for the purpose.

Sanction of Scholarship
Once the selection is over,letters are sent to the candidates intimating them the sanction and the donor in whose name or memory the scholarship is given and the last date for taking the cheques.

Repayment of Scholarship amount
The scholarships paid to students are to be returned back to the Reddy Jana Sangham after the ward is employed or settled in earning.An undertaking is taken from all students to this effect.Moneys paid back are ploughed back to finance others.

• RJS has Sponsorship scheme also in addition to raising the corpus through lump sum donations.
• Individuals can sponsor one or more students at the rate of Rs 8000/- for a Medical student and Rs 7000/- for an Engineering student for a period of four years.
• As of now about 35 students are helped under sponsorship program over the past three years.

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