Reddys are an agrarian community to the rural areas and mainly interested in cultivating their own land.They had enough to sustain themselves and therefore,they were not much interested in modern education.With the national awakening and the struggle for freedom in the beginning of the century touching the Reddy community,they became aware of the need for education.
As there were few facilities for Reddy students,the need for a hostel of their own for better food and cheaper accommodation was felt.The philanthropic Raja of Munagala Sri V.Venkata Ranga Rao was instrumental in the starting of a hostel on the initiative of Sri K.Koti Reddy,Sri P.H.Rama Reddy and Sri K.Subba Reddy in 1907.This was named "Kondaveedu Hostel" by Sir C.R.Reddy after the capital of the old Reddy kingdom.Most of the Reddys who have occupied prominent positions later,have passed through this hostel.
The first batch of graduates came out of this hostel in 1911.This Kondaveedu Hostel,which is a precursor of RJS survived till 1917.
The three boarders of Kondaveedu Hostel, viz. Messers K.Koti Reddy,P.H.Rama Reddy and K.Subba Reddy returned from England after successful university studies.Their accomplishments gave a great impetus for the higher education among the young Reddys.The community in general and members of Kondaveedu Hostel in particular were not satisfied with a hostel alone.They began to dream of a larger organization which could finance the education of the deserving poor students.To popularize the idea of a larger organization,local conferences of Reddys were initiated first in 1913 at Cuddalore and then later in Guntur in 1916 under the chairmanship of Sri K.Koti Reddy who had just returned from England.
The third conference held in Nellore under the chairmanship of Raja of Munagala in 1917,was well attended from all over India.The Raja of Munagala in his Presidential Address strongly advocated the idea of a permanent organization as conceived in earlier conferences.
The conference resolved for the formation of a permanent organization,although made little progress during the next 3 years.It received a new impetus at the next conference held in 1920 again in Nellore under the chairmanship of Sir C.R.Reddy In his Presidential Address,he emphasized the raising funds without which nothing tangible could be achieved.He eloquently pleaded for the collection of Rs 10 lakhs as a sound financial base and roused the enthusiasm to such a degree that all those present subscribed generously.This new born organization was named Reddy Jana Sangha(RJS).Immediately after the conference,the following office bearers of the Sangha were elected.
Raja of Munagala-President
Sir C.R.Reddy-Vice President
Sri K.Koti Reddy(Cuddapah)-Organizing Secretary
Sri E.V.Sundara Reddy(Madras)-Administrative Secretary
Rai Bahadur Venkat Reddy-Hyderabad
Sri K.Adinarayana Reddy-Nellore
Sri Bezawada Chandrasekhar Reddy-Nellore
Sri Malladi Sathi Reddy-Godavari
Sri A.V.Bhasyam Reddy-Cuddalore
The newly elected committee got Sangha registered on July 28th 1920 at Madras.It resolved to propagate,enlist life members,poshakas and raja-poshakas and devote all energy towards the collection of Rs 10 lakhs trust fund.The progress was rapid and remarkable for the next decade.
Sir C.R.Reddy has not only exerted a vitalizing influence on the Sangha but kept a constant vigil over its finances.He ensured the financial stability and security for all time by constituting the Madras High Court as the custodian trustee.The Sangha will have powers of disposal by way of scholarships over the income earned as interest on the capital amount.
After India's independence in 1947,the community has no doubt made some progress in education and other fields.But due to drought,cyclones and ceiling on agriculture holdings,the middle class Reddy families left villages and migrated to towns and cities,leaving behind many of the families who were illiterate and dependent on agriculture.The children of these people are now in DIRE need of education and financial help.
After the formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956,the office of RJS shifted to Hyderabad in 1957,but the Trust Money is retained with the Madras High Court.However,the Madras High Court transfers the interest amount to RJS Hyderbad,which is disbursed as scholarships to the deserving students of the Reddy community. |